alt alt alt alt alt alt carcle alt alt alt We Transform
    Data Into Wisdom
    Using AI



    Process Image

    Informed decisions

    Make effective decisions driven by data

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    Reduced risks

    Manage risks and mitigation strategies with higher confidence

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    Higher profit margins

    Achieve higher profit margins through improved efficiencies

    What we do

    Anything that involves data

    We provide a broad range of services that involve data. Whether you have just started collecting data and need help with putting it into use or you are already experimenting with your data but need some expertise, we can support you at any stage of your data journey.
    • Ideate
    • Prototype
    • Co-create
    Our approach

    A frugal way with focus on
    delivering value

    We know every business is unique and has specific problems so we take a customized approach to solve your problem.

    Focus on essentials

    Focus on bare essentials to prove core benefits and functionality


    Optimize resources

    Leverage the cloud technology to keep infra costs minimum


    Create value

    Create value through leapfrog and latest technology


    Scale and sustain

    Use design thinking to scale up from a prototype to a fully functional solution

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    How We Work

    Transforming data into wisdom

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      Proof of value

      Proving the business value is our gateway to the next step

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      Building the solution and delivering it to you in a few weeks

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      Bring your team up to speed to carry on with little involvement from us

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      Provide support for any technical issues and guidance

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      Maintain the solution with the latest patches and upgrades

    Our Services

    Artificial Intelligence

    Unlocking value in your business data whether it is structured or unstructured using a full-stack Artificial Intelligence Tool Kit
    Extracting objects from your streaming videos and analyze them for effective operations
    Allowing the users to search and access scanned documents from anywhere on any device
    Visualizing your data to bring out actionable insights for effective decision-making.
    Delivering enterprise-scale data solutions to extract, transform and load your data using AWS and Azure cloud services
    End to end data analytics solutions development to meet specific client needs

    Our Latest Projects

    Smart Premise Watch

    Live Premise Safety Management Monitor all types of alerts and hazards for your premise with live reporting to make the premise safe Manual and Automated Alerts Manual reporting of alerts by users to respective stakeholders along with automated CCTV footage analysis View Historical Alerts Dashboard View historical alerts dashboard to understand patterns and plan relevant [...]

    Next Gen Dietician Practice Management

    Schedule Appointments Effortlessly Schedule your patient appointments effortlessly with no overlap and reduced queues Create Customized Diet Plans Customize diet plan for each of your patients as per individual needs and complaints Analyze Data and Get Insights Analyze patient data and get insights using our proprietary algorithms for better patient outcomes Online Nutrition Practice Management [...]

    Document Processing Using AI

    Get Insights from Physical Paper Trove Derive hidden insights on-demand from your physical paper trove by digitizing them Search Specific Document from Heaps of Papers Quickly search that important document using intelligent AI based OCR technique Share Documents Easily Post Digitization Share important document online after converting them from physical paper to digital version Physical [...]

    We are just a click away

    Our latest blogs

    Tired of spending hours searching that important piece of paper that you stored safely somewhere and then totally forgot where you kept it? Or...
    Generative AI, also known as generative artificial intelligence, is a branch of AI that focuses on creating new content, rather than just analyzing or...
    Design-led innovation, also known as design thinking, is an approach to innovation that places a strong emphasis on understanding the needs and desires of...
    Innovation refers to the process of creating and implementing new ideas, methods, products, or services that bring about positive change, improve existing processes, or...
    In the realm of emerging technologies, few innovations have generated as much excitement and potential as blockchain. Often referred to as the backbone of...
    In an era where data is an invaluable asset, protecting it has become a paramount concern for individuals and businesses alike. While discussions about...